Prosolidar’s activities are summarised herein with graphic presentations illustrating the relative incidence of the fields in which its projects are concentrated. The figures refer to the calendar year 2016.

An overview of the projects was obtained by classifying each initiative financed under the following categories:

SECTOR OF INTERVENTION: the operating sector in which the project’s objective is to be achieved, such as:

  • Food, Water, Hygiene
  • Economic Activities, Infrastructures, Environment
  • Calamity, Emergencies
  • Education
  • Health
  • Social and Human Rights

BENEFICIARIES: those whom the project is designed to help:

  • Children, Young People
  • Vulnerable categories
  • Community
  • Women
  • Sick, Disabled
  • Refugees, Immigrants

GEOGRAPHIC AREA: the part of the world in which the project is performed (indicated in detail for projects in Italy)

The data used as the input for drawing up the graphs were the amounts disbursed from January to December 2016.


As far as the intervention area is concerned  It should be noted that the distribution among the various sectors is more uniform than in the past. This distribution, In the beneficiaries' analyses, the financing provided by type of beneficiary. Of note is the significant attention paid to children and young people.
The first funds collected for the earthquake in central Italy were meant for the construction of a school, and so they too were placed under the category of Children and Young People.

In the Geographic distribution worldwide, the significant portion disbursed in Europe is due primarily to projects located in Italy (93 out of 98), for which a more detailed geographic distribution is provided in the next slide.
The Miscellaneous category is for projects located on more than one continent.
The fact that the largest share went central Italy is due primarily to the funding gathered for earthquake response.


Levels of project financing were established to analyse the distribution of the projects by amount. The percentages of total financing accounted for by the different categories proved to be fairly uniform, whereas the distribution by number of projects showed noteworthy divergences.




Unlike the preceding graphs, these regard the percentage of the total project cost covered by the financing.
Of particular note is the fact that 1/3 of the funding efforts cover 100% of the related project cost. Another very significant category is financing that covers from 20% to 50% of the total project cost, while financing for up to 20% accounts for only a negligible portion


Since the beginning of the Foundation's work, 145 projects have been completed, of which distribution is shown over the years. There is a progressive increase in completed projects.