The financial analysis of the projects regards the 2015 calendar year as opposed to the balance-sheet year, for administrative reasons, and yet it still illustrates the volume of the Foundation’s annual activities.

The projects were classified to obtain an overview, with the classification for each initiative based on the following criteria:

AREA OF INTERVENTION: meaning the sector in which the project was to have an effect, based on which its objective was set. For example: food, water-hygiene, health...

BENEFICIARIES: those for whom the project was undertaken: children, the sick...

GEOGRAPHIC AREA: the part of the world in which the project was carried out (with a detailed look at Italy)

The following graphs used as input the figures for the contributions disbursed for each project by the date of 31 December 2015.




Another result analysed was the cost range in euro for each financing effort, to get an idea of the economic distribution of the projects. The analysis of the distribution by financing levels was carried out, instead, on the basis of earlier figures for the amounts committed to each project, regardless of whether or not they were actually disbursed; this result was visualised both in terms of the number of projects and on an economic basis. As can be observed, though there are noteworthy differences in the distribution of the numbers of the projects, the distribution of the amounts is fairly even.




Prosolidar takes part in the financing of projects to varying extents. Levels have been established for the percentages of financing, compared to the total project; this analysis is also carried out on the amount committed to each project. The graph gives an idea of “the financing policy”: more than half the projects received financing for over 80% of the overall cost, while one-third of the projects received financing covering between 20% and 50%.


Since it began its activities, the Foundation has completed 97 project whose distribution over the different years is illustrated, pointing to a gradual increase in the number of projects completed.

This demonstrates that there was ongoing improvement in organisational capacity, even though the only figure provided is the number of projects. Then again, the administrative effort for the smaller projects is the same, if not greater.